Tricia Rose regularly provides commentary, lectures and presents seminars and workshops to general public and scholarly audiences on a range of critical issues relating to race in America, mass media, structural inequality, popular culture, gender and sexuality, art and social justice, and more.
She has been featured on PBS, MSNBC, CNN, NPR and other national and local media outlets.
The media kit includes Tricia’s bio, high resolution photos, and more.

Tricia Rose on Generation Rising
Did Racism End With the Civil Rights Act? Tricia Rose explains that to understand the dynamics that sustain and perpetuate racism, we need to analyze it systemically.

My Dad's Version of 'The Talk' - Tricia Rose on Michael Shermer
Tricia Rose tells Michael Shermer about the advice she received from her father when she was a teenager, and how its lessons are still pertinent today.

How We Use Knowledge of Systemic Racism: Tricia Rose & Tracey Matisak at the Free Library of Philadelphia
In conversation with Tracey Matisak, Tricia argues that the more we understand how systemic racism works, the more effective we’ll be in using systems tools to interrupt its negative interconnections and dismantle it.

Systemic racism hides in plain sight: Tricia Rose discusses “Metaracism” on Story In The Public Square
In conversation with Jim Ludes and G. Wayne Miller, Tricia explains that the narrow definition of racism as personal attitude supports the denial of powerful forms of systemic racism.

The Way Racism Hides From Us - Tricia Rose & Rashad Robinson in conversation about "Metaracism" book
Tricia Rose speaks with Rashad Robinson, President of @colorofchange about some of the major themes of her new book, "Metaracism: How Systemic Racism Devastates Black Lives—and How We Break Free."

Contact Tricia
For invitations, bookings, or general comments and questions.